Fear Stymies Innovation…BUT it shouldn’t

Last week in Becker’s Hospital Review I read a post discussing healthcare’s fear of failure and how that stymies innovation. The article’s author interviewed Louis Burns, CEO at Intel-GE Care Innovations, who discussed the importance of being a disrupter in your own industry, if change is indeed going to happen. To overcome this innovation stagnation in healthcare, Mr. Burns says that healthcare leaders need to take big risks and reimagine the healthcare delivery system.

The article goes on to discuss a model of change that Intel is using that could benefit healthcare organizations. It is called the BUT model, but it is certainly not about making excuses to avoid change!

The acronym stands for the words Business User Technology, because all three words play a key role in making progressive change. The gist is this: business processes have to change in order for improvements to be made; you must understand the users of potential innovation because you need to know what they want and need and how this change will impact them; lastly, technology can be the tool for implementing those changes.

This resonated with me because, acronym aside, these are principles that we have always followed:

  • We work to implement change for the better with many of our healthcare partners by addressing how they can improve the logistical foundation of their supply chain and improve operational efficiencies.
  • We pay close attention to the users of healthcare transportation and we work to develop a system that meets their needs, while reducing unnecessary, costly business processes.
  • We use technology as a tool to drive change and bring value.

Innovation is essential to thrive. Change can be hard, BUT it needn’t be.

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